深圳市福田区赛格电子市场旺达展销柜。主要经营的产品有 端子台, 接线端子, 保险丝座, 线上开关, 脚踏开关, 闭端端子, 旋转端子, 束线带等,适用于灯饰,电子电器,机械等行业,产品有UL. CSA. VDE. FI. SAA. ENEC. S. D. CE.等多国安全认证和中国CQC检测.坚持"以人为本,以信为本,质量"的理念,使我司获得了众多国内外客户的支持与厚爱. 我们真诚为您服务!高品質零件的穩定供應是促使產品升級與提高產品附加價值所不可忽視的重要環節之一。旺达电子有限公司自2006年成立以來,以專業化的生產製造技術提供客戶高品質配線零件。產品並榮獲中國CQC、美國UL、加拿大CSA、德國VDE、荷蘭KEMA、比利時CEBEC、奧地OVE、芬蘭FIMKO、瑞典SEMKO、挪威NEMKO、丹麥DEMKO、義大利IMQ等歐美國家之安規認證,同時並符合歐盟CE指令要求。多年來累積的經驗與信譽,己使本公司成為國內外許多業者的協力廠商。由衷感謝各界多年來的支持與愛護,我司更將秉持一貫的專業精神,提供客戶優良品質、穩定供應、合理價格與密切迅速之服務。A stable supply of high quality components is very important to industry and users to achieve higher product value and safety requirement.Established in 2006, Wang Da Co., Ltd. has been a professional manufacturer of high quality and good design wiring products. Especially in wire connectors and terminal blocks which are designed according to international safety requirements and certified by UL, CSA, VDE, FIMKO, SEMKO and other European test institutions. It’s our belief that a product should be reliable in quality, convenient in use and competitive in price.We understand that the market for wire connectors and terminal blocks is so diversified that it would make little sense for one company to make for all areas and take very good care in each details. Consequently we decided to concentrate our attention and knowledge on manufacturing wire connectors and terminal blocks which are used in lighting fixtures, electrical home appliances, outlets and junction boxes, including American and European styles. ...展开
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